Title: nounish ⌐◨-◨ – Telling the stories of Nouns DAO through videos
Proposer: goldy.⌐◨-◨
Block: 15567256
Link: https://nouns.wtf/vote/143
Request: Fund nounish, a creative agency dedicated to telling the story of Nouns, and the stories of its builders, through video. Fund 10 people, lead by Goldy & 142 for 6 months and $969K.
Result: PASSED
176 votes, 31 voters
0 votes, 0 voters
0 votes, 0 voters
At the risk of repeating myself every other post - it’s clear that the DAO loves supporting contributors with further funding, almost regardless of the amount (the ~$900k represents 3% of the DAO’s treasury).
Reading the proposal, I was also amazed at the quality of the work done by the nounish team; it’s obvious that it’s in the DAO’s best interest to continue funding this team to spread the brand. There is very little