Title: Nouns X Internet Game: Season 2 w/ gmoney
Proposer: internetgame.eth
Block: 15491791
Link: https://nouns.wtf/vote/138
Request: send 20 eth to sponsor one of six mini-games during Internet Game Season 2
Result: PASSED
87 votes, 12 voters
65 votes, 11 voters
0 votes, 0 voters
The median funding amount asked for passed proposals is about 30% lower than failed proposals (source), and I think this is a great example of why - when hesitant on impact and nounishness, the DAO will lean to “yes” if the funding is small. I think < 30 ETH might be in the sweet spot for a lot of members where it’s often going to be worth it to just try something out. In this case, gmoney’s reputation was also likely helpful in having this pass.
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